Medieval Fehr’s latest Trobairitz gown

I just finished this 13th century gown in time for our Medieval Feasts held at Bogner’s of Penticton. In keeping with my philosophy to recycle and repurpose…
I found this fabulous fabric on a bolt end at the back of the fabric store… heavy upholstery fabric (reminiscent of Scarlett O’Hara’s gown refashioned from drapes) in rich golden/rust/brown ($4/metre) with long wide sleeves lined in a scrumptious silk!

Our Medieval Feast featured fine dining from King Henry VIII’s table and fabulous music including 12th century Hildegarde von Bingen’s ‘Ave Maria’ and 12th century troubador, Bernard de Ventadour’s ’Quan vei l’aloete mover!‘
Ensemble numbers included King Henry VIII’s ‘Green Groweth the Holly’ And ‘Pastime with Good Companie’, William Cornysh’s ‘Ah Robin’, the Gloucestershire Wassail, John Wilbye’s ‘Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis’ and many rousing rounds such as ‘Bring us in Good Ale’ and ‘He that will an alehouse keep’!!!
Seraphim Vocal Ensemble: Trobairitz Thérèse de Fehr, Lady Heather of Allen, Sir Jay van der Metrick, and Sir Derek of Summerland!!
Musicans: Minstrel Olivia (cello), Bob the Bard (lute/guitar/drum), and Countess Nicolaa of Handford (flute)!!